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Releases of the INIshell project will be documented in this file.


This is a bugfix release since version 2.1.0 would write INI files that it could not read back. So please update your INIshell version to 2.1.1!



  • Versioning for XML apps: A versioning system is now available for inishell-apps, to see which Software version an app is compatible with.
  • Software now can ship their own inishell apps, and Inishell will search for it, will be the main distribution in the future
  • Many new options in the MeteoIO XML: ARIMA, REGFILL, iCSV, Resampling Stack,...
  • Adding the options PROF_ID_OR_MK and PROF_AGE_OR_DATE, that were introduced in SNOWPACK.
  • add a button that shows the version of the software when possible


  • Validation needed to change to allow Versioning
  • ACDD fields validation now allows list of attributes
  • The Snowpack Input section has been restructured like MeteoIO's in order to allow replicating such sections
  • Improved design of the collapsible frames


  • Fixed a lot of warnings, and improved messages
  • Bug with cursor behaviour on number boxes and textfields
  • Behaviour on dropdown widgets is now as expected
  • Prevent accidental scrolling in spin boxes
  • Fix numbering of preview tabs
  • Fixed an error found with Qt6.4


  • Bundling of MeteoIO is not default anymore
  • Improved and fixed release pipeline
  • Updates so that apps match the newest release version of SNOWPACK, Alpine3d and MeteoIO
  • Now using collapsible frames where it makes sense!



  • Schema validation: The simulation software XMLs are now checked for their integrity before use with an advanced XSD schema validation ensuring correct semantics in all XMLs
  • Data file preview: when selecing a file it can be explored in a quick to access and syntax highlighted preview window
  • Support for connected path / file name input panels, i. e. different FilePath input panels can now communicate
  • Support for collapsible frames (to show/hide a group of settings)
  • Many new model configuration keys including cloudiness computation settings, several Alpine3d keys and the MySQL plugin
  • Link to INIshell paper
  • An option to provide the list of parameters to check for missing values
  • A new type "COMPONENTS" has been added


  • Several overall UI enhancements
  • The help texts have been fully rewritten and improved
  • Account for the latest changes in MeteoIO (Add keys, incorporate new plugins...)


  • Several smaller bugs
  • Issue of comments from INI files going missing


  • Major packaging enhancements
  • Updated to Qt 6 with backwards compatibility to Qt 5
  • Internal build and test pipeline is now operational
  • Modernization of code and project hosting

2.0.7 - 2021-12-10


  • Possibility for Replicators to have empty keys: They can now act as an interactive GUI element with no corresponding INI structure (for e. g. to intuitively group a batch of settings).
  • Some debugging tools
  • Dedicated help texts for Replicators
  • Possibility in a Selector's help text to reference the parameter name
  • "placeholder" texts in dropdown-mode Selectors
  • DAME project XML
  • Displaying link locations
  • Many new model configuration parameters including the grid resampling section, the MeteoBlue plugin and more ACDD fields
  • New panel: Copytexts (interactively display syntax highlighted pieces of text)
  • New panel: ImageView (display images on the INIshell canvas)
  • Support for xy() coordinates
  • Workflow user input is now remembered per application
  • XML dev tools: symbols & html entity tables, solarized color picker


  • Replicators can now have numbers anywhere, not just at the end
  • Non-nested Replicators can now replace multiple '#'s
  • Various smaller UI enhancements
  • Automated "textmode" attribute for Selectors
  • Some panels now have much better documentation
  • Meteo param OSWR is now called RSWR in example simulation


  • Bug reading back in the MATHS filter settings
  • Selector tooltip now shows the key like the Replicator
  • ToolTip help for Preview Editor shortcuts is now native
  • Segfaults


  • Ported the project from qmake to CMake
  • (Bundled) packaging now availale through CMake
  • Complete rework of the Replicator panel's logic and documentation
  • More generic syntax highlighting - can now be done anywhere

2.0.6 - 2020-03-01

This version adds support for dynamic sections and major UI enhancements, especially in the main GUI area and the Help and Settings windows.


  • Support for dynamic sections: Sections can now be replicated as Input1, Input2, ...
  • Support for internal links in the XMLs: Hyperlinks can now open help topics and highlight input parameters
  • "Duplicate", "Open parent folder" and "Delete" context menu for INI files
  • Prompt to auto-restart Inishell after appearance settings change
  • New model software features/options
  • This changelog


  • Optional/mandatory highlighting is now done on the label
  • (In)valid expressions are marked with little icons leading to the help files
  • Help is now displayed in a separate browser (handling all help topics)
  • Settings are now a separate window: Standard "reset", "save" and "clear" buttons (in addition to cmd line)
  • Display sections for missing mandatory INI keys in message when saving
  • Jump to 1st missing input value if saving is cancelled
  • Workflow panel is now toggled instead of separate show/hide menus
  • Always use/show '.' as decimal separator


  • MacOS help and other menus
  • Replicator default value labelling
  • "Unsaved" marker bug in the Preview Editor
  • Edge case crash of the help file
  • Context help works reliably now
  • Several macOS integration improvements
  • Several overall UI improvements
  • Selectors and Replicators are not reported missing if they have children
  • Performance improvements
  • Fixed unit test
  • Transportation of unknown keys to preview and output
  • Example simulation paths with new working directory field
  • Insert missing and mandatory keys in Preview Editor
  • Several minor bugs


  • Easy-to-use subclassed TabBar which is now the main recursion container (therefore XMLs can now be transparently loaded into any area we'd like)
  • Easy usage of "do not show again" dialogs now possible
  • Major refactoring and logic improvements in MainWindow and MainPanel
  • "Highlight" functionality for all input panels

2.0.5 - 2020-12-16

This version adds current features to the XMLs and fixes some bugs.


  • New XML features
  • Archive manifest file


  • Workflow and path fixes

2.0.4 - 2020-10-01

This version prepares an Alpine3d release.


  • New MeteoIO/Snowpack features


  • Improvements to the build process

2.0.3 - 2020-09-01

This version introduces a new panel and improves on the XMLs and user interface.


  • Date/time picker panel
  • PreviewEditor functionality
  • Most remaining features are now described in the XMLs


  • Improvements to the build process
  • Improvements of the user interface

2.0.3beta - 2020-05-27

This version provides an Alpine3d Inishell file.


  • Alpine3d Inishell file
  • TechSnow module


  • Minor cosmetic fixes

2.0.2beta - 2020-05-04

This version improves multi platform support, builds upon and enhances recently added features, adds functionality to the XMLs themselves and fixes several smaller issues.


  • Text conversion features for the Preview Editor
  • INI file features for the Preview Editor
  • "filename" mode in FilePath
  • Line numbering in Preview
  • Numerous XML descriptions of features


  • Better handling of expressions
  • Better icons


  • Numerous packaging issues
  • Number panel precision issues
  • Integration improvements for macOS
  • Serveral overall fixes

2.0.1beta - 2020-03-11

First public beta release of INIshell v2 (inishell-ng). The program is ready to be tried out by peers and practitioners.